Sunday, August 06, 2006

And I say welcome to the show!!!!!!!!!

Not much happening here. I went up to the music store today to do some re-arranging and accidentally set off the alarm. Man that thing is loud. The alarm company called and after some questioning as to who I was, they decided I wasn't trying to rob the place. They couldn't find my name on any of their lists, so needless to say this week, I'll be asking Bob to send my name in. Oh well, that's it. My life is pretty mundane huh??? Oh yea, dig the new video...


Lori said...

hey just stopping by to say hi. sorry i havent been around much this summer!! i hope all is well!!

Wendy said...

have you seen the new Gene Simmons reality show? What do you think of it?

MomThatsNuts said...

Do you have a secret code word for the alarm?? I think it should be PICKLES.....just for fun. LUCKY for me the ETK got called in last night so he is is sad that someone has to have a heart attack to make me but its not like I MAKE them have the heart attack.......
Hey how are things going? Wife? Kids? Ready to move to Arizona and have a mad affair with me yet?? lol
BE GOOD.....DrumTroll~ing got into a guitar class at school so he is pretty excited, except now I have to buy him his OWN acustic guitar, he has been playing Crash's Fender and Crash is NOT going to let him take it to school ( I dont blame him) what has a good sound but isnt going to cost me a fortune for a JR High class? I think they are using metal strings as apposed to nylon on all strings....thats what the Fender has anyhow....anyhow what do those run?? I know we paid almost 300 for the Fender, I dont wanna pay that much for one to take to school....any suggestions??? ok I gotta go...
