Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Sleep well...Your USAF is...

I hope everybody's week is moving along smoothly. Right off the bat I want to wish a big "Welcome back" to Momthats nuts. I'm glad you had a fun trip.

So I have some things with my military job going on. First off, my unit will be spending the night in tents tomorrow night. It's not a big deal because it's only one night. What is a big deal is that this little camp out is part of a 30 hour "training exercise". However, we don't have any equipment to train on. This is gonna be a lame exercise.

Four years ago my unit lost its "mobility commitment" because we were under a study to have my unit completely taken over by civilian contractors. The USAF was going to disperse us military to other bases that had war time capabilities. All of our mobility equipment has long since been redistributed to other bases. The contract thing is still being studied (4 yrs later).

In the mean time, the powers that be have decided to make us war ready again. We have no equipment and the majority of my unit has young guys that came fresh from their respective technical schools and have never experienced "Mobility lifestyles". That is about to change.

Tomorrow's overnighter is just a precursor to a week long trip to Tyndall AFB in Florida, the week after next (that is if the hurricane doesn't tear up the base). The Florida trip will consist of more intense/detailed training. I'm getting too old for all this Rambo shit. I've had all this stuff in my career. I attended this Florida gig back in 94.

Oh well 2 more years and it'll all be a memory. So I'll holler at y'all Friday night after I get home and have a hot shower...Sleep well...Your USAF is....


MomThatsNuts said...

Hey Thanks for the welcome home~~ I am glad to be home, but boy we had fun. Sorry about the sleeping in tents thing. Too bad you cant call the consigniers desk like I did when I left my toothbrush at
Why dont they make the civilian contractors sleep out in the tents with you? Better yet, come here to AZ you can sleep in Sherrif Joe's tents!!! NOT REALLY gosh I am kidding. MATH SUCKS...ok bye

jenbeauty said...

Be safe and don't hurt yourself!