One pound of frozen purple hull (black eye) peas makes 6 servings
1. Fry 4 strips of thick cut peppered bacon. Remove and cut/crumble to size you like.
2. Chop about 1 cup of yellow onion
3. Finely chop about 1/2 tblsp of fresh Rosemary
4. Open small can of Southwestern corn (or shoe peg)
5. Cook purple hull peas (black eyed) according to their directions.
Add cooked bacon pieces, onion and corn to cast iron skillet on med heat. Once mixed, add peas and Rosemary. Use sea salt (to taste) and simmer on low for about 15 minutes.
This dish makes a great hearty cold weather meal. It's filling without making you feel bloated.
Very hungry
sounds nice! saving this recipe.
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Hello Paul - Thanks for taking the time to post your friend's recipe. I love stuff like this that's hearty and dairy free. I posted a recipe for "Tennessee Caviar" that's similar but different that you might be interested in on my recipe blog:
I'd like the opportunity to share your recipe post on my blog. Can I get your permission to do so? Thanks-Judi
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